Thursday, October 6, 2011


Change is inevitable. Most say it is the only constant thing in the world. For me, it is something I long and dread. I long for it in a sense that new stories will be written, new connections will be started and new things will be experienced. I dread it because I basically need to restart everything- from finding friends, learning stuffs and getting comfortable with the new "life".

I took a BIG risk for resigning on my first job without even having a "back-up plan". So here I am, having all the time in the world pondering even small things left unnoticed by others.

My stay for 9 months in Samsung was a roller coaster ride, literally. There were times I just wanna stop and seize the moment when I see my subordinates' smiles after a long day of hard work and repairing of equipment; but hey there were also times I wish I could just vanish in thin air especially when the effluent water is not that 'good' and there is surprise visit from a government body.

As they say, you just can't have it all. It took a lot of thinking, internalizing and reflecting before I decided it's time to say goodbye. The experience I got handling the wastewater facility was priceless, but sometimes it's just not enough. We seek for more, things we have to discover outside of what we currently have.

I will be forever grateful with my wastewater family. The lessons I learned from them will always be remembered.

At control room with wastewater family
In Samsung, I was also able to find friends who'll stick with you through thick and thin. Friends who will stay true and real. I know leaving the company won't mean the friendship will be terminated. As I quote again, "absence make the heart go fonder". I am confident that the distance won't be a hinder to making the friendship stronger.

Farewell party at Archie's place
with shuttlemate, breakfastmate Bop
with fridaymates at Padi's SM North
My last ilink with Facilities, Environment & Safety
TQP batchmates dinner at Shakeys

Leaving Samsung is just leaving the company. The relationships I made with my coworkers won't be gone. I may be miles away from them but there's always a way to catch up with them.

I welcome CHANGE now with open arms. I might not be that ready but I will try to cope, to learn again and to start things over. What I experience in Samsung will forever be an integral part of what I am today.

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