Monday, October 17, 2011


image source:

Just when everything in my life seems to be in order, something unexpected happened. That something made me question my "plan".

Why now? Now that I kinda figure out what I already want. I would like to take this situation as a test if what I want now is really what I want. Confusing isn't it? At the back of my mind, I have this two columns comparing the pros and cons of the present plan and the possibility of the "new situation".

I wish it's that easy but sadly when it comes to the matters of the heart, it will never be easy. Everything is just complicated. Maybe I am not confused, because I really know right from the start that it's still Plan A. I just need assurance that Plan A will work. On the other hand, Plan B complicates things because it keeps on giving me a lot of reasons to go with it compared to Plan A that is just waiting for me to choose it.

I am praying that Plan A will finally give me tons of reasons to assure me that everything will go well if I stick with it because we never know if Plan B's persuasion can give me a clearer picture of a better future.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

On Friends

(image source:

In our journey of life, we will meet a whole bunch of people, some are easy to get along while others might be a total opposite of us. What matter is, from those bunch you will have a few who'll stick with you no matter where life takes you.

Honestly, finding those few is not as easy as ABC. Certain situations will test who are worth keeping and who are just so so. Those people that we had built intimate connections will stay in our hearts forever. Distance is never a hindrance because you know it in your heart that your relationship is more to that. The memories you had shared through thick and thin were priceless.

Way back in elementary and high school, I was so used to have friends around me already but I have this gals who I considered as my closest friends. Up until now, we communicate from time to time. Even though we don't hang around that much, just a simple text or chat message can instantly connect us.
with Nani, Che, Jana and Len

College life wouldn't be that awesome if I hadn't meet my girl friends there. We had each other's back always. We had been through a lot, and I mean it a lot from heartbreaks, to failed subjects to childish acts, so on and so forth.
with ave, popples and iris

The two pictures I had shown are the sets of barkada I had, but I have this long list of persons I considered genuine and can be called true friends. My point is people are tested along the way. They may not necessarily be the goody goody friend who'll agree with you at everything but he or she might be the one who can say nasty things about you upfront. Yes, he or she might hurt you but she's just being true and real, no pretenses.

A true friend is someone who'll never leave you hanging. He or she is someone who is silently hurting if you're hurting. One who can laugh with you real hard even if there's nothing funny. A real friend is someone who, despite the distance, will stick around no matter what happens.

Finding real friends is being at peace. It is God's gift. Just be careful not to lose those gifts. Life just keeps on getting better especially knowing you have friends that can walk with you through your journey.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Justice and Equality

Funny how the outcome of the board of governor’s election of our village turned out last october 9 2011. The very common expression one might hear is that “We were massacred”. Why is that so? Before answering that, let me walk you through what happened prior the election proper.

The event started at four in the afternood in the function room of our clubhouse. What was really interesting were the points raised by some homeowners regarding the frequency of meetings that the members were allowed to join. Clarification on annual meeting was also a concern. Members were basically asking for TRANSPARENCY, they wanted to be AWARE on what was happening, they wanted to be INFORMED on the progress and changes that our village undergoes and lastly, they wanted to be INVOLVED on the projects or concerns of our village- after all, we are one community.

Sadly and nerve-crackingly, it is not the way peoples in charge of running our community sees it. They cannot even give concrete and precise answers to the inquiries. All one can hear was “You can call a special meeting to discuss your concerns, and let’s talk about it in a different time”. The arguments turned out to be circular since the people in charge were trying to deflect the questions.

My vision for a person who leads a small community like ours is someone who’ll listen to his/her people even if the concern raised is small, he/she still will not take it for granted. A true leader understands his/her people, treats them equally, listens to their concerns and respects them. A leader is someone who is honest, credible and has integrity.

After all questions were raised and no precise answers were given, the election pushed through. There was already hear say that prior election, the winners were already decided. Why? Because the “Proxy Votes” were already counted in. Come on, please do justice with the so called proxy votes. It is just a subtle way of “pandaraya” . What do you get from that? It’s such a shame for someone to win like that. At the end of the day, those people are the true losers.

To give a clearer picture, the proxy votes assigned to our president was 67 counts. That 67 counts was allotted to her choice of candidates. The second highest proxy votes was 33, same thing is applied, the person who was assigned to that 33 votes will automatically have 33 counts of votes to the canditates of his choice. Losing is normal but losing by cheating is a different story. I ask for justice. I believe we are all intellectual people here who can see clearly what had happened during the election- monopoly.

Writing this was triggered by the question of how will the ‘elected leaders” be able to see and treat things equally. After all that happened during the election, how can they assure us that they will be able to lead us in a fair and right manner? Respect is not given, it is earned.

Suggestions were brought up that we need at least 28 signatures to ammend the by-laws and the possibility of eliminating proxy votes on the next election. I am asking each one of you to help me gather those 28 signatures. This is a small step each of us can do to start change in our village.

The true winners are those who took the clear and honest path towards the end. I salute those people.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Change is inevitable. Most say it is the only constant thing in the world. For me, it is something I long and dread. I long for it in a sense that new stories will be written, new connections will be started and new things will be experienced. I dread it because I basically need to restart everything- from finding friends, learning stuffs and getting comfortable with the new "life".

I took a BIG risk for resigning on my first job without even having a "back-up plan". So here I am, having all the time in the world pondering even small things left unnoticed by others.

My stay for 9 months in Samsung was a roller coaster ride, literally. There were times I just wanna stop and seize the moment when I see my subordinates' smiles after a long day of hard work and repairing of equipment; but hey there were also times I wish I could just vanish in thin air especially when the effluent water is not that 'good' and there is surprise visit from a government body.

As they say, you just can't have it all. It took a lot of thinking, internalizing and reflecting before I decided it's time to say goodbye. The experience I got handling the wastewater facility was priceless, but sometimes it's just not enough. We seek for more, things we have to discover outside of what we currently have.

I will be forever grateful with my wastewater family. The lessons I learned from them will always be remembered.

At control room with wastewater family
In Samsung, I was also able to find friends who'll stick with you through thick and thin. Friends who will stay true and real. I know leaving the company won't mean the friendship will be terminated. As I quote again, "absence make the heart go fonder". I am confident that the distance won't be a hinder to making the friendship stronger.

Farewell party at Archie's place
with shuttlemate, breakfastmate Bop
with fridaymates at Padi's SM North
My last ilink with Facilities, Environment & Safety
TQP batchmates dinner at Shakeys

Leaving Samsung is just leaving the company. The relationships I made with my coworkers won't be gone. I may be miles away from them but there's always a way to catch up with them.

I welcome CHANGE now with open arms. I might not be that ready but I will try to cope, to learn again and to start things over. What I experience in Samsung will forever be an integral part of what I am today.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

on dreams and plans

Have you ever experienced waking up with so many ideas that you gotta write it down because you might get so overwhelmed and forget the simplest detail of that random thoughts?

Well, I was bombarded with a lot of juicy plans this morning. It felt good that my resignation has a positive effect on me. (Yes, I already resigned, and is currently job hunting) The reason for me to leave my first company deserved a separate blog entry.

Anyway, I must say that this is really the first serious time that I plan about my future- what I really want to have/do n years from now. For my short term goal - I want to have a work. By WORK, I want it now to be something I'm doing because I love it, not just because I have to gain experience or simply because it's related to my course. I don't wanna make the same mistake, gotta learn. :) I wish for my next work to be something that totally fits my personality- that must include working with a lot of people without compromising my technical skills. About compensation, yes, I must say money matters now. I want it also to be manila bound (I got tired going south).

I realized that I really want to be independent, Gosh I'm turning 24 next year. I want to own a condo unit (rent to own). I have to learn how to do laundry, cook for myself, budget my money, and the lists continue. By being independent, I want to learn to be happy because of what I do not just because my family, friends or somebody special is doing something for me. I gotta learn to love myself more. Nobody can take good care of me better than myself.

Lastly, I wanna practice my driving skills. Would you believe I learned how to drive since 17 years old, but my dad is too afraid to give me the key and execute my "skill"? haha. So I really wanna own a car, drive around the metro with my wheels and enjoy my life to the fullest.

By the way, these ideas are very ideal, but mark my word that I will achieve this one by one. I was never this driven since I plan to pass the board exam last November 2010.

So Good Luck to me :)