Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big things come in small packages

Hello 2011!

After several months had passed, this would be my first post for the year. Wonder what happened? I had neglected my hobby of writing. I was too busy doing things that I sometimes think took the fun, youthful me.

What now?

I am truly blessed to have a job that fits perfectly to what I took in college. I am a Wastewater Engineer (although I sometimes play as the Environment Engineer) of a Korean owned semiconductor company. I was finally able to find the path I have to take. Being able to be with the company for almost 5 months taught me a lot of things (not just technical stuffs but also with what's happening in real life).

I must admit the compensations I get is not that big compared to what my friends have with their respective companies, but hey no worries, as long as I love what I'm doing, I'll stick with what I have right now.

Choosing this kind of work, made me aware of things that I took for granted before. Those realizations are the following:
1. Importance of complying.
2. Value of Loyalty.
3. Dirty Politics.
4. Choosing your peers.
5. Difference of Knowing and Learning.
6. Worth of Money
7. Want and Need aren't exactly the same.

and the long lists of line will continue. I will not expound but you will hear from me (maybe soon) discussing those stuffs.

Until then. :)

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