Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Single for the meantime

It's been ages since I entered a Romantic Relationship. After experiencing heartbreak thrice, I decided to stay single and just enjoy life. After all, it's just a status. Nobody should be pressured on finding "the one". There is also a saying that "Love finds you the minute you stop looking." So for all those singles out there I could give you a few reasons why it's more awesome to stay single, for now.

- You can somehow save a lot of money (instead of going to dates at a fancy restaurant or buying your honey bunch some special gadgets or a designer shirt)

- You won't have any problems going out randomly with some old friends any time, anywhere. (take in consideration your parents' opinion of course)

- No worries on the urge of informing someone where you are, what you're doing or who you're with (or even to be bothered who she's/he's with, etc.)

- You tend to be more beautiful when you're single. This is simply because you got more time for yourself and you can spend much to pamper yourself.

- You are lesser stressed. (Minus those petty fights, senseless arguments couples usually have just to put some spices in their relationship)

- You are closer to your family and friends. Yes, you spend most of your leisure time with them, resulting to a more fruitful relationship that you will treasure for life. As the saying goes: "Chicks before dicks and Bros before hoes"

- Lesser tendency to be on a bad mood. Since you're single, you don't have to think of somebody that will greatly stress your life. No need to be jealous with some hot, sexy momma out there while strolling the mall.

- Gives you more time to focus on how to improve your life. Long term goals are born from reflecting on what you really want to achieve at a certain timeline.

- Chance to discover more the inner you. This is the opportunity to explore your capabilities and assess how strong you are. You'll eventually learn not to depend for someone special to carry on with your life.

So to the one destined to me:

I am still having the best time of my life now exploring my skills, personality and goals. I know you are still out there doing exactly the same thing. I know when we are both ready, magic will just happen and we will find each other (or if we already know each other now, love will just bridge us together).

So no pressure, take your time and do things that will define who you are N years from now. We will need all those discoveries and learning to be the better us. I know when the right time comes, we will definitely make each other very happy.

Everyday I pray that when that moment finally arrives, we will be inseparable. We will love each other unconditionally. We will respect each other, and most importantly we will be truthful.

So I'm staying single, for now. :)

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